Светите Братя Кирил и Методий в пощенски марки и картички

Светите Братя Кирил и Методий в пощенски марки и картички
Снимка: РИМ-Русе
28 Април 2018, Събота

Изложбата на Музея на македонската борба в Скопие гостува в Русе

Автор: Десант

Историческия музей в Русе представя филателната изложба „Светите Братя Кирил и Методий – Всесловенски просветители“ на Музея на македонската борба в Скопие.

Експозицията се фокусира върху делото на светите братя Кирил и Методий, както и върху създаването и разпространението на славянската писменост. Тя проследява приноса на двамата равноапостоли за развитието на славянската и европейската култури, дейността на техните последователи и начина, по който са почитани в различните страни.

Изложбата има за цел да покаже една малка част от  филателните издания, посветени на Светите братя Кирил и Методий. Тя съдържа повече от 80 бр. материали – марки, пощенски картички, първодневни пликове и блокове, издадени през последните сто години в различни държави, някои от които вече не съществуват – България, Македония, Сърбия, Русия, Хърватия, Чехия, Полша, Словакия, Украйна, Гърция, Ватикан, СССР, Югославия и Чехословакия.

Освен образите и юбилеите, свързани  с Кирил и Методий, показаните филателни и материали проследяват развитието на тяхното наследство – съвременните азбуки, университети, национални библиотеки, научни конгреси, изложби, монументални паметници и различни институции, които носят техните имена или са посветени на тях.

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Приятел на България
28.04.2018 06:59:05

12 Dec 1910 "Chicago Record Herald"
Chicago Bulgarians and Macedonians Parade and Raise Battle Cry

Chicago became the American center yesterday of a revolt against the renewed depredations of the Turk in Macedonia, and the Bulgarian flag was unfurled in the streets of this city for the first time.

Several hundred members of the Bulgaro-Macedonian league paraded the West Side and met in Bricklayers' Hall, Peoria and Monroe streets, where fiery speeches were made against the outrages committed in their native land.

A majority of those present were refugees who had fought as insurgents in the Macedonian mountains against the Turkish soldiers, and they raised their battle cries again in a pledge to return this summer and join the revolt which is being started.

The Bulgaro-Macedonian League is an organisation formed to free Macedonia from the Turks, and this was the first meeting of its members in the United States. The league will endeavour to induce United States intervention.

The ingratitude of the Young Turk party, which the Bulgaro-Macedonians helped to overthrow Abdul Hamid, was scored by Dr. D. Dosef, one of the speakers.

"Many of the men before me are carrying bullets as the result of fighting the Turk. You helped the Young Turk overthrow the old regime and get a constitution. Your people were treated well for a time after the revolt. But today Macedonia is where she was in the reign of Hamid, in the hands of mercenaries; women are being outraged and men tortured and thrown into prison."

The speaker explained that no help could be expected from European powers because of their selfish interests, but that America was in a position to make an effective protest.

I. N. Mustreff, President of the Chicago branch of the league, said the jealous fear of Bismarck was responsible for the loss of freedom to Bulgaria when at the conference at Berlin he had demanded that that country, be divided up between Turkey, Servia and Roumania, leaving but a small part of it free. He said that Gladstone had been a true friend of Bulgaria.

"America" and the national hymn of Bulgaria were sung.

The Bulgarians and Macedonians are of the same race and speak the same language. Bulgaria proper now is free but Macedonia is under the rule of the Turk.

The meeting in Chicago will be followed by others in New York and other large centers throughout the United States.
Приятел на България
28.04.2018 06:58:06

Absolute Obedience to Todor Alexandrov
Macedonians Carry Out His Orders
to Any Length Without Question

Walter Collins - The Chicago Daily News
Friday, January 11, 1924, p2 c6&7

Following is the third and last of the series of articles by Mr Collins,
staff correspondent of The Daily News at Sofia,
on conditions in Macedonia and the causes of its great unrest

Sofia, Bulgaria, Dec 20 1923 - Owing to the scanty railway communications in Macedonia and the generally wild nature of the country, few foreigners have visited the scene of Todor Alexandrov's exploits. For this reason it is hard to believe that not many miles from the Serbian capital there is a revolutionary state which owes allegiance to no one. This state within a state preserves all the amenities of law and order. Scrupulous justice is meted out by its law courts and robbers and criminals are given the severest punishment. Bribery and corruption, are not much in evidence. Attempts in this direction are put down with a firm hand.
All orders and instructions sent out by the Macedonian revolutionary committee go by word of mouth. Thus if Alexandrov, in some distant Macedonian village decrees the death of a certain person, the executor of the decree will by apprised of his duty by a chain of couriers whose fidelity and discretion are beyond the shadow of doubt. Quite recent was the case of the Bulgarian, Raiko Daskalov, at one time minister of the interior in Stambouliski's cabinet and afterward minister to Prague. Daskalov had identified himself actively with Stambouliski in opposing the revolutionary organization.

Murder Committed on Order
When the bourgeois military party made its coup d'etat last summer Stambouliski was killed under somewhat mysterious circumstances. Many persons blamed the Macedonians, but definite proof was lacking. Daskalov, then in Prague, was warned that he had been condemned to death, but the Czechoslovak government extended him protection and for two or three months he led a quiet life.
One day while walking in the street Daskalov met death at the hands of a young Macedonian named Iordan Tchitchankov. This murder made a great sensation particularly as Tchitchandov was acquitted on the ground that he was acting on behalf of the revolutionary organization. He has since been rearrested on the pretext that certain evidence was incorrectly interpreted.
As had been stated previously the final object of the revolutionary organization is autonomy for the three parts of Macedonia now included in Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria. If one may judge by the recent declarations of Todor Alexandrov, no opposition would be made to a larger autonomy within the limits of Serbia. But this settlement would not better the question of Greek Macedonia, while Bulgaria would certainly be called on to give larger political and cultural rights to Macedonians within her frontiers.

No Freedom of Thought
Foreigners have often asked why the Macedonians do not carry out their struggle by legal rather than violent methods. The reason is that the Turks did not, and the Serbians and the Greeks do not give the Macedonians any freedom of action, speech or thought.
In this connection the position of the American missionary schools is especially interesting. Originally founded about the year 1890, the schools were open until 1913. More than twenty American teachers worked in the schools and Bulgarian was the language used. When the Serbians and Greeks took over Macedonia they insisted that their language be adopted. The missionaries found that besides adding a new language, they would have to change practically all their methods. In the end they were forced to leave and there came to an end a most valuable educational work, the fruits of which had been shown by the number of intelligent young Macedonians who emigrated to the United States and proved worthy citizens.
In their struggle against Serbia, the Macedonians have found a certain amount of common interest with the Croates and Slovenes. The latter were formerly part of the Austro-Hungarian empire but by the peace treaty have been put under Serbian laws and customs. They also are discontented, and Steven Raditch, leader of the agrarian party, along with his fellow deputies, has refused to attend the Belgrade parliament. Like Todor Alexandrov, for Macedonia, Raditch wants autonomy for Croatia, but so far has confined his struggle to peaceful methods. Whether there is a definite arrangement between Alexandrov and Raditch is hard to say but naturally there is a sympathetic understanding which may easily lead to something more.

Still the "Powder Magazine"
In several of the central and south-eastern European capitals the SMRO has unofficial representatives who are ever on the alert for information or assistance. With the present tendency of France to show herself friendly to Jugoslavia, Roumania and Poland, there is a corresponding move on the part of Italy and Hungary to give aid to Bulgaria and Macedonia There are thus European interests at stake which render the problem of Macedonia more complex than ever.
To sum up, Macedonia continues to be the "powder magazine" of the Balkans. Her geographical position is such that all Balkan states are directly and the European powers are indirectly interested in her future. Her people, being of a determined nature, are not going to let themselves be forgotten; the fact that half a million of them are refugees is sufficient proof of that. In the present state of European politics any prophecy is rash, but my belief is that unless the Serbians and Greeks are prepared to give the Macedonians real freedom, a form of autonomy is the only other lasting solution. If neither of the above results is reached the SMRO will perforce continue its campaign of violence-a campaign which the Macedonians have learned to regard as the sole means of attracting the attention of the civilized world.
Приятел на България
28.04.2018 06:45:13

Which Flag? Historic Amnesia and the Macedonian Question

Funny things have been happening lately in cyberspace: instead of celebrating the recent Athens-Skopje agreement for lifting the Greek embargo, people from the Republic of Macedonia are lamenting having to give up state symbols which never belonged to their country anyway
On 25 Sep 1995 Bruce Smithoski wrote:
"So, I am not sorry that the Sun is gone, but I am VERY UPSET that it was done in this way. I cannot express my anger that the flag was sold. Only people who don't care about nationality and tradition can shamelessly manipulate a national flag or ANY national symbol, like this. Regardless of how this new flag was introduced to the Macedonians, and whether I like it or not, it is a shame to sell a national flag, and also play with the feelings of those Macedonians who decided to bond with that symbol."
Now, now, Bruce: You cannot take something that belongs to other people, "bond" to it, and then, when asked to return the stolen goods, cry out that you have been robbed. You explain clearly enough the story with the stolen state symbols:
"Frankly speaking, this new designer's creation for the official flag of RoM (combination of the communist and Yugoslav SR Macedonia's old red flag with the Sun of Alexander the Great) as for practically all Macedonians a completely new thing... Without offending anyone, I know that there were my fellow countryman (in Macedonia and abroad) who, "didn't know that they were Macedonians until 4 years ago". In my experience, they are the ones who most strongly grasped the new flag. Among my friends those who were the biggest Yugoslavs before, and used to cry so loudly for Yugoslavia, became biggest Macedonians in 1991. Interestingly but not surprisingly enough, they were usually also absolutely clueless about our history."
So, here is the crux of the matter: national amnesia. Amnesia caused by eighty-three years of cruel foreign domination over the people of Vardar Macedonia; eighty-three years during which the occupiers first tried to make them part of the Serbian nation, and when this failed tried to create an appendage to the Serbian nation called "Macedonia".
No doubt, Bruce knows some of the historic truth, although his knowledge, as he admits himself, goes back to the Berlin Congress, 1878. He explains to his fellow countrymen:
"Traditional Macedonian flag has two equal horizontal parts.., the upper half being red and the lower black... This traditional Macedonian flag had also a symbolic meaning - the same meaning as the slogan of the Macedonian fighters from the beginning of the century: "Freedom (red) or Death (black)". During the 1903 Ilinden uprising and the Krushevo republic the formal flag of Macedonian fighters was black-and-red. However, local flags used by different guerrilla groups (cheti) were more colorful. Usually they had a cross, a picture of a young woman (representing Macedonia) or a lion (also a traditional symbol), on a red, or red and black background, with the words "Liberty or Death" - "SVOBODA ili SM'RT" written in golden letters (needless to say, with the Cyrillic alphabet of Kliment Ohridski and not the one of Karadzich-Koneski)."
The trouble with partial knowledge is that being incomplete, it can be also misleading. The flag of the uprising in Macedonia and Eastern Thrace in 1903 (Ilindensko-Preobrazhensko Vustanie) has its own history, and you should know it, because it is yours.
It begins with a man from the Bulgarian town of Kotel, named Georgi Stoykov Popovich, better known as Georgi Sava Rakowski. In 1837 the 16- year old Georgi enters the Greek Gymnasium in Kurucheshme, Constantinople. Four years later he is in Athens to become a free citizen of a free country. His Greek passport (which later saves his life) carries the name of Georgios Savva Makedon. In Athens he forms his first revolutionary organization, the secret "Macedonian Society". His dream is to unite the Christians of the Ottoman Empire, regardless of ethnicity, in revolt against the Sultan. He speaks of a "federation" of culturally autonomous entities.
Twenty years later, disillusioned by general indifference to his proposals, he moves to Belgrade, where he forms his first Bulgarian legion, a paramilitary organization intended to prepare future military leaders of an armed uprising of the Bulgarian people. The blue-green flag of the Legion bears in Bulgarian the motto of the Greek revolution, 'Eleutheria I Thanatos' - "Svoboda ili sm'rt". Beneath the arching motto stands a golden lion rampant (the heraldic symbol of the last independent Bulgarian kingdom).
Rakowski did not steal "Freedom or death" from the Greeks. Although the idea of individual freedom is a Greek one, the motto of the Greek revolution was first heard in the New World almost a half-century earlier:
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
Patrick Henry, Speech in Virginia Convention, Richmond [March 23, 1775]
Ideas cannot be stolen; they travel through time and space to whatever minds are ready to receive them. Patrick Henry had doubtless read, in the Agamemnon of Aeschylus, "Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny."
The flag of Rakowski saw its baptism of fire in 1867, when Panayot Hitov and Filip Totyu led the first battles of the Bulgarians against the Turks. Vasil Kunchev, one of Rakowski's legionnaires, assumed his nom de guerre, "Levski" from the lion on the flag. He later became not only the leader of the Bulgarian revolution, but the ideal hero of Goce Delchev, leader of the Ilinden uprising.
In the spring of 1876, the 20-year-old primary-school teacher of the town of Panagyurishte, Rayna Popgeorgieva Futekova embroidered the revolutionary flag on a piece of red silk, the best piece of cloth available. On the day of the April Uprising she carried the flag, for which she became known as "Rayna Knyaginya" (Princess Rayna). When the Uprising was crushed, she was held in detention for three months (during which she was beaten and raped repeatedly), but then released after international intervention and sent abroad to study.
The 20,000 fighters of the Bitola Vilaet did not suffer from historical amnesia.
They knew what flag they were carrying in the 150 battles against 300,000 Turkish soldiers. Nor were the leaders of the Krushevo Republic amnesiacs. It is their great-grandchildren who do not remember, and who dig for their roots in the grave of Philip of Macedon. It is those descendents who have never heard of the Krushevo Proclamation to the neighboring Turkish and Albanian villages:
"Bratja zemljaci i mili komshii ! Nie se bontueme protiv tiranijata i robstvoto, protiv predatelite, protiv zolumcharite, protiv nasilnicite na nashata chest, i protiv tie, shto ni ja smukat nashata pot i ekspluatirat nashiot trud.. Elate, bratja muslimani, pri nas, da trgneme protiv vashite i nashite dushmani! Elate, da gi skrshime sindjirite na robstvoto, da se kurtulisame ot maki i stradanie!"
[Brother countrymen and dear neighbors! We are rebelling against tyranny and slavery, against traitors, against rapists and violators of our honor, and against those who drink our sweat and exploit our labor... Come, brother Muslims, join us as we attack our common enemies! Come, let us break the chains of slavery, let us free ourselves from pain and suffering!]
Now, in FYROM, the "dear neighbors" have become "stinking Albanians" - their great-grandchildren are not allowed to enter the same school building as the rest of the children. And you wonder to yourselves what the actual historical flag looked like.
I doubt if the parliament in Skopje is going to choose the Ilinden flag as the new national symbol of the country. Its heraldic meaning is too unsettling for people who feel uneasy about their Bulgarian origins.
My grandfather, a simple carter from Prilep, fought in 1903 for the freedom of his people. My grandmother, his new bride, cared for the wounded and comforted the orphans. The Ilinden uprising is part of my family history, and I do not suffer from amnesia.
Приятел на България
28.04.2018 06:41:36

Люлка на старата и новата българска писменост

акад. Емил Георгиев

Вук Караджич и неговата историческа среща с българите от Разлог

Кога и как Вук Караджич стига до своето „откритие” на българите?

В предговора на своя „Д о д а т ъ к” [2] Вук Караджич сам изяснява повода, както и характера на своя труд. Задачата да се опознаят и съпоставят езиците по цялото земно кълбо поставя самата Екатерина. В 1784 г. тя написала със собствената си ръка 273 думи и 12 имена и ги разпратила по света, за да бъдат преведени на всички познати езици. Събрания материал предоставила на немския учен Пилас да го обработи и издаде. В 1787 г. излиза трудът „Сравнительные словари всех языков и наречий, собранные десницею всевысочайшей особы. Отделение первое, содержащее в себе европейские и азиатские языки. Часть первая. В Санктпетербурге 1787 г.” В 1789 г. излиза втора част. Трудът съдържа определените от Екатерина 273 думи и 12 имена на 200 езика. Работата продължава и по-нататък, поверена на Теодор Янкович де Мириево (от сръбски произход). В 1789—1791 г. речникът излиза във второ издание. Новото издание съдържа още 79 езика — африкански и американски. Славянските езици са получили първото място. Двете издания съдържат следните славянски езици и наречия: руски (руските думи са напечатани в средата на страницата), славянски (т. е. черковно-славянски), славяно-унгарски (словенски, прекомурски диалект), бохемски (т. е. чешки), сръбски, вендски, сорабски (т. е. лужишко-сръбски), полабски, кашубски, полски, малоруски (т. е. украински), суздалски (руски диалект).
Забелязал отсъствието на българския език, Караджич решил да издаде своя „Додатък”, за да го добави, да го доведе до знанието на образования свят.
При своята работа той прибягнал до „и с т и н с к и” българин, родом от Разлог („прави Бугарин, родом из Разлога”). [3] Изобщо трудът му се изгражда върху българския диалект от разложкия край. Тъй като българите нямали своя литература и пишели „на славянска ортография”, той си послужил със „своята ортография”.

Много неприятно трябва да е за днешните сръбски "езиковеди" да спорят (и то по-смъртно!!!) с техния културен "герой", идол, Вук Караджич по въпроса за принадлежността на "македонските" говори към български или сръбски език. С несъгласието си с него те не само че проявяват омраза към българите а и плюят на неговия памет, индиректно обявявайки го за съюзник на българите и сръбски предател!!!
Наистина много смешни и глупави са сърбите "лингвисти" и националисти, а и сърбите изобщо.
Приятел на България
28.04.2018 05:56:28
Най-добрите доказателства за българския характер на македонците са българските народни песни от Македония, събрани в две книги: една от братята Миладинови (Български народни песни) а другата от сърбина Веркович (Народне песме македонских бугара) от средата на 19. век. Там българите сами в техните песни се наричат себе си българи, а не македонци или сърби.

Гино море, Гино БУЛГАР кази! Потурчи се да те земам, да ти кладем турско име, мени Алия, тебе Айшея. Да ти кроем турски руби на тоята рамна снага, как си рамна, ти прилега. Да ти купам тунус феса на тоята руса коса, как си руса, ти прилега. Да ти купа мест папуци на тоите беле ноге, как са бели, ти прилега. Горно Броди, Серско; аргатска.






Събрани от Димитър и Константин Миладинови



356. * * *

- Велико дульбер БУГАРКО,
Велико, една на мама!
Да знаиш, мило, да знаиш,
како йе жалбь за младост,
на порта би ме чекала,
от коня би ме сметнала,
за ръка би ме фанала,
в одагя би ме однесла,
постеля би ми послала.
Кажи, Велико, кажи ми,
кой ти я даде личбата?
Даль си от бога паднала?
Даль си от земя никнала?
- Що прашаш, лудо, що прашаш,
кой ми я даде личбата?
Не сум от бога паднала,
ни па от земя никнала,
тук съм от майка родено.

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